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October 30th, 2009 in DIY, Hall of Fame, Little People, Real People with Real Problems by lpcoverlover | 2 Comments
November 8th, 2009 at 4:10 pm
In high school I had a classmate that had a similar condition like Deanie.
Her name was Patsy. At school Patsy was confined to her wheelchair and looked very “freakish” to many of us and many were afraid of her. Patsy could hardly move her hands and arms and when she would speak, you needed to have patience understanding her clearly. From the outside it seemed that it would be impossible for her to carry on as a “normal student”. Over a little time Patsy’s’ classmates got to know her better and discovered that she wasn’t a “freak” after all but a human like the rest of us. She had a positive attitude with many things to share and was always interested in improving herself. She always had a smile with good things to say. Patsy became quite popular and well liked. Many considered her like our school mascot. She was an inspiration for all!
February 25th, 2010 at 9:47 pm
Hey Way Back Now!, good story, but stick to the LP!
Ok…were was I? Oh yea, they said she’d never get to 12″… Ok, how was that? Or, now remastered on COMPACT disc… I know, I mean.