Wanted Records
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March 23rd, 2019 in
45 Picture Sleeves, Happy Hour, Monsters, Smoking Section, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

“Scheletro Twist” (“Skeleton Twist’) Fred Bullo IPM Records (Italy) Rare Italian rock ‘n roll from 1962! Hear it is!
And now, a few things about LPCoverLover that you might not know!
- LPCoverLover was launched in November 2006 by Matthew and Tony, two lifelong record collectors whose passion for finding odd and unusual records brought them together in the spirit of friendly competition and the desire to blow each other’s mind with new and incredible discoveries from around the world!
- While there are many copycat sites, blogs, pages, posts and imitators across the world wide interweb, everything you see on LpCoverLover is from our collections. Records that we find, photograph and share because we haven’t seen them before and we think they’re worthy.
- Since we started more than 12 years ago, many of the records that we’ve unearthed have become staples of the Incredibly Strange/Weird/Bizarre recordsphere.
- We’ve even seen our name and logo on bootleg merch like shirts and cigarette lighters (?) for sale in the back of magazines like MOJO and sundry sites.
- Because we’ve been slow to move to other platforms that aren’t linked with our wordpress posts here (you can find us on Facebook, Tumbler and Twitter), our name LPCoverLover has been co-opted by others on Instagram and Pinterest. The sincerest form of flattery I guess, but don’t be fooled by imitators.
- Our LPCoverLover Facebook page has approximately 10,000 followers now and allows us to hear from many other collectors which we love.
- We could pull from our still growing collections for many years without getting tired, but the truth is it’s our most recent finds that get us the most excited and end up here first.
- We recently started an eBay store and will continue to offer up our doubles for sale at reasonable prices.
Who knows where we go from here, but as long as Tony keeps digging up insanely cool and rare records and challenging me to do the same – LPCoverLover will chug along and hopefully continue to shock and awe!

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September 3rd, 2017 in
10", Documentary, Educational, How to, S+E+X, Wanted Records, XXX by
lpcoverlover |

Incredible find here! “Step by Step Instruction in Sexual Technique” Erotic instruction by Miss Tuppy Owens on Sexual Rhapsody Records (UK)! (1972) “Not for the ears of children!”

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December 8th, 2016 in
45 Picture Sleeves, Trains, Planes and Automobiles, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |
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Flat Tire The Del Vikings with Carl Stevens and his Orchestra Mercury Records (France)

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December 27th, 2014 in
For Heaven's Sake, Hall of Fame, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

Vickie on Upper Room Records, “Too Much To Gain To Lose” We’re flipping over Vickie here. I think we’ll be seeing this reproduced across the webisphere. An instant LP Cover Lover Hall of Famer. Happy Holidays.

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June 27th, 2014 in
Chicks with Guitars, Girl Groups, In Tribute, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

The Beetlettes!! “Outside Carnegie Hall” Assault Records An “answer” record from a girl group I’ve never seen before. Includes songs like “I Saw HIM Standing There” and “This GIRL” and “Yep, You CAN Hold My Hand” Anybody ever seen this one? Know anything about it?

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December 23rd, 2013 in
Gospel, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

Andrew Wartts and The Gospel Storytellers Champ Records (1982) I’m posting this not because I love the LP cover so much, but because it’s a beautiful on the INSIDE. And I’m trying to find a copy for myself. Can anyone help?! Happy Holidays.

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October 2nd, 2013 in
Illustration, Jazz, Music for..., Party!!!, Types and Fonts, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |
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“Music For That Wild Party” Esquire Records (UK release of “Art Farmer Quintet” Prestige 7017) Art Farmer (t) Gigi Gryce (as) Duke Jordan (p) Addison Farmer (b) Philly Joe Jones (d) recorded Rudy Van Gelder Studio, Hackensack, NJ, October 21, 1955 Cover art by Disley.

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August 12th, 2013 in
Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo, Illustration, Monsters, Party!!!, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

Here’s one you won’t find anywhere else online! Attilio and his Tango Orchestra “Dracula Tango” Vogue Records (France) (1974) Monster cover art by Bernard Monie

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August 12th, 2013 in
Illustration, Kiddies, Records and Players, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

Alberto Closas ECO Records (We’d love to find another copy of this one, if anyone in the world has it, let us know!)

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July 5th, 2013 in
45 Picture Sleeves, Kiddies, Monsters, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |
1 Comment

“Dem Dry Bones” / “Camptown News” Peter Pan Records (1960)

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