Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo
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April 12th, 2020 in
Bongos and Bagels, Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo, Cheesecake, Dance, Latin by
lpcoverlover |
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Ritmos Bailables Orquesta Romanticos de Brazil MAMBO. DANZON. CHA CHA CHA. BOLEROS. Star Records (Miami, Florida)

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March 20th, 2020 in
Bongos and Bagels, Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo, Hands, Illustration, Latin, Types and Fonts by
lpcoverlover |
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“Cha Cha Cha” Orquesta America Vol. 1 Panart Records (Cuba)

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March 20th, 2020 in
Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo, Cheesecake, Latin by
lpcoverlover |
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Boleros del la Temporada Various Latin artists Peerless Records (Mexico)

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May 11th, 2019 in
45 Picture Sleeves, Animals, Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo by
lpcoverlover |

“Viva Cha Cha Cha” Cuco Chicos Columbia Records (France)

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June 3rd, 2017 in
Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo by
lpcoverlover |

CHA CHA CHA at MALIBU Marty Franklin and his Orchestra Cadence Records (1957) Always hard to believe that after looking at records for 50 years, I can still find ones that I’ve never seen. This looks like so many others, but — maybe because it’s new to me — I think it’s exceptional for the genre. Maybe it’s those dinner jackets! By the way, that’s Malibu as in the Malibu club in Lido Beach, Long Island where, along with other noted dance spots like the Tamarack Lodge in the Catskills, Casa Seville in Long Island and Club Elegance in Brooklyn, Marty was laying down the beat on his Lowry organ since the early 50’s.

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March 25th, 2015 in
Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo, Cheesecake, Starlets and Pin-ups by
lpcoverlover |
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LP cover lover, Jeff Missinne and Jerold Kress, of the web site The Crown Records Story provided us with this: “Latin Twist” Louis Martinellie and the Continentals Crown Records. Most interesting because the model here is 50’s pin-up queen and TV’s Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, Irish McCalla. Hard to tell from the photo (looks a little like one of the Mary Tyler Moore covers), but below is a behind-the-scenes photo of the Latin Twist cover session courtesy of Sean McIntyre (Irish McCalla’s son).

Jerold Kress ID’d the two guys in the photo; left in suit w/cigarette is Joe Bihari of Crown Records; right in shirtsleeves is Joseph (or Josef) Tauber, photographer. “Photo from the estate of Irish McCalla, and McCalla Enterprises, Inc.” (McCalla Enterprises, incidentally, was a company Irish and her sister started in the 70’s to merchandise prints and ceramic plates of Irish’s work as a painter and illustrator. Her talent was as impressive as her beauty, and friends who met her said she was also one of the nicest folks around.) Thanks Jeff, Jerold and Sean!

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August 12th, 2013 in
Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo, Illustration, Monsters, Party!!!, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

Here’s one you won’t find anywhere else online! Attilio and his Tango Orchestra “Dracula Tango” Vogue Records (France) (1974) Monster cover art by Bernard Monie

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March 19th, 2013 in
45 Picture Sleeves, Bongos and Bagels, Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo by
lpcoverlover |
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Ken Macintosh and his Orchestra “Rock a Conga” RCA (France)

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February 5th, 2013 in
45 Picture Sleeves, Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo by
lpcoverlover |
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Tito Puente “Black and White * French Barclay E.P. Tracks: Ran Kan Kan / Mambo Gallego b/w Que lindo el mambo / Manbiando

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August 14th, 2012 in
45 Picture Sleeves, Cha-Cha-Cha and Mambo, Latin by
lpcoverlover |

Dario Moreno with Claude Bolling and his Orchestra “”Oh! Que Mambo” Philips Records (France) Looks like a french Jackie Gleason … And Awaaaaaaay We Go!

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