May 1st, 2008 in
Calypso, Illustration by
lpcoverlover |

“Calypsos from Jamaica” on Ritmo. Beautiful cover illustration from the fifties. Looks a little like the work of Mexican artist Ernesto Garcia Cabral (though I don’t think it is). If you like Calypso, check out Muriel’s Treasure radio show on WFMU.

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May 1st, 2008 at 7:21 pm
Isn’t this cover also the display art used by the blog Schadenfreude Therapy?
November 28th, 2010 at 5:20 pm
Beautiful, racist and garish would be more apt, alot of 50s Claypso records did little more than portray the performers as savage buffoons, who were.nt very bright and could only play syncopated music.