I love the Hades
“Le Piano Diabolique” d’ Alain VIAN. Contains a smokin’ hot version of “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby” and the scorching “No, No, Nanette”.
“Le Piano Diabolique” d’ Alain VIAN. Contains a smokin’ hot version of “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby” and the scorching “No, No, Nanette”.
“From Another World” by Sid Bass on RCA. A space-age bachelor pad staple; this one pressed in Argentina I think. Promising strange, other-worldly sounds and far-out music, the tracks here are mostly dull big band arrangements that begin and end with some “spacey,” electronic tones. I like the colorful sound waves on top of the black and white photo.
“Fanfare of Hits” A nice compilation from Argo Records. This is pretty rare or at least I’ve only seen it this once myself.
This Mustafa guy was a real funny cat. He put out lots of wacky covers like this one.
French “Party Interplanetaire” A cool compilation on the French label President.
Jewish Comedy Songs by the Barton Brothers. “Joe and Paul meet Cockeye Jenny” on Apollo Records. Another one for Jennifer.