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Records and Players

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The last train to Hitsville


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Hanky panky


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Waiting for a call


Super-saturated colors on this one. I like the little record player and who doesn’t remember those metal records holders? She’s nice too.

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Day dreamin’


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Vinyl offer


“I’m young, attractive, fit and available to clean your record collection.   Evenings and weekends only.   Reasonable rates.   References available.”

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Cool cat


Felix the Cat: Television Cartoon Star goes record shopping. 1960.

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The under assistant West Coast promotion man


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Take the weight off fanny


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Record store Elvis


Elvis for Everyone!   Including Ann Margret and Nipper.

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Cue the music


Par-dee Records.   These records came with, and were meant to be played as the soundtrack to, some 8mm movies from the National Films company (in Toledo, Ohio, don’t cha know).   We can only imagine what those films were since I only have the records.   Of course, the attraction for me are the vintage 1950’s graphics here.     Par-dee!!

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