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Snow business

Carol and Jimmy Snow   “Carry On Family Traditions”   Heart Warming Records   Jimmy is the son of country hall of famer Hank Snow (e.g., “I’ve Been Everywhere”)

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Play it and let’s see what happens!

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Red velvet cheesecake

“Red Velvet”   Stanley Black and his Orchestra   London Records   This ubiquitous dollar record is easy listening pablum.   Aural wallpaper.   The cover is pretty tame, lifeless and unsexy, but it does have a fifties babe surrounded by LP’s and a sweet console.

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Snuggle puss

Here’s a truely generic recording with a sweet little sleeve.   No artists credited just the following back note “A very fine performance by both Musicians and Singing Artists, a very stimulating record”   And one of the six covers is called “Alternate Title” ?   Avenue Records   London, England   (1967)     Nice lo-fi player too!

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Apres le Twist


“Apres Le Twist”   Victory Records   (1959)   France

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Single minded


Verde Campina y otros exitos del Junior   Odeon Records   These are some of my favorite covers, a collector surrounded by his records, next to a big old turntable.     I’ve put this in the “Just Happy” category, cuz I think he is!

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Mitch’s and Ho’s


Mitch Miller and the Sing-Along Gang   Christmas Songs from the Columbia Record Club

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Kids are us


El Festival de los Ninos   Calesita Records   This one’s for you Fred at Frederator Studios if you’re listening!

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How to listen to records when a mouse is in the house


“Sucessos Em Desfile” Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra   Columbia Records

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What’s so funny about Peace, Love and Cristo Salinas?


“Cristo Salinas” con Los Dinamicos   Del Valle Records

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