The first cover courtesy of Alex Steinweiss: “Smash Song Hits by Rodgers & Hart” Columbia Records
A sampling of Alex Steinweiss early album cover designs.
A Taschen book of Steinweiss covers and life of work.
Alex Steinweiss, 1947 Photo William P. Gottlieb
Described as the father of record cover design, Alex Steinweiss, died Sunday at the age of 94. In 1939, after designing hundreds of packages, posters and catalogues for Columbia, Steinwiess convinced Columbia Records’ to let him “design” the first true record cover. Until then, 78s were sold in generic brown sleeves. He designed over 850 album covers for Columbia, London, Decca, and Everest Records, developing a trademark style and influencing cover artists and designers throughout the remainder of the century.
I wonder what he would have thought of LP Cover Lover.

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