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Western movies


“SOUNDS FROM WESTERN MOVIES GOLDEN ALBUM VOL. 2”  SEVEN SEAS, (Japan)   Beautiful Japanese spaghetti western soundtracks collection featuring STELVIO CIPRIANI, GIANNI FERRIO, NICO FIDENCO, and others.


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Little Pepito


“Little Pepito”  Digby Richards  Fontana Records (Portugal)  Hmmmm, looks a lot like Jerry to me!

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Cactus flower


“Corridos del Norte”  Peerless Records (Mexico)

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“Wanna see me do it again?”

gay cowboy 001

Lalo Gonzalez aka “El Piporro”  “Arriba el Norte”  Musart Records  (Mexico)

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Thigh master

The soundtrack to “Nehle Peh Dehlaa”  with music by the master, R.D. Burman  EMI Records  (1976)

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Tighten up

The Cramps  “Bikini Girls with Machine Guns”  Enigma Records (1989)  A 12″ single from the album “Stay Sick”   Produced by Poison Ivy.  Cover photo by Lux Interior    Thanks Joe Blossom.

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Outlaw blues

Not to be confused with the Sonny Rollins LP of the same name!  Here’s “Way Out West”  by the Scottish folksinger Alex Campbell  Arc Records (UK)  (1963)  A four-track EP with “Jesse James,” “The Old Chisolm Trail,” “The Streets of Loredo,” and “The Wabash Cannonball” featuring the Gunslingers, Gerry Loughran (guitar), Royd Rivers (harmonica), David Laibman (guitar, 5-string banjo), Ian McCann (mandolo, mandolin, autoharp)  Read more and listen here!  Great cover illustration here by an uncredited designer – reminds me of some great Polish and Czech poster art.

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Geisha with a gun

Hibari Misora   CBS Records Japan

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Finger on the trigger

Chicago Gangsters   “Gangster Love” (1976)   Gold Plate Records   Despite their name, the Chicago Gangsters were originally from Ohio, consisting of brothers James, Sam, Chris, and Leroy McCant. Their sound ranged from heavy funk and disco to sweet, smooth soul balladry.   Their debut LP, Blind Over You, was released in 1975 and contained the slamming funk of “Gangster Boogie,” The title track of their 1976 sophomore album Gangster Love was another minor hit, and also the first 12″ single their label ever issued.     “Gangster Boogie” became a massively popular sample item for hip-hoppers and breakbeat aficionados, most prominently appearing on L.L. Cool J’s hit “Mama Said Knock You Out”.

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Spy vs. Spy

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.   “Theme Song” b/w “The Vagabond” by the Gallants   (l-r)   Leo G. Carrol, Robert Vaughn (Napoleon Solo) and David McCallum (Illya Kuryakin)   The series which ran on NBC stations from 1964 – 1968 included contributions from James Bond creator Ian Fleming, Robert Towne (Chinatown) and Sci-fi author Harlan Ellison.   U.N.C.L.E. of course stands for the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement.   U.N.C.L.E.’s archenemy was a vast organization known as THRUSH.   The original series never explained what the acronym THRUSH stood for, but in several of the U.N.C.L.E. novels   it was expanded as the Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.   THRUSH’s aim was to conquer the world.     I learned about the cold war from watching TV like this.     (I’ll post the equally awesome “Girl from U.N.C.L.E.” album soon)

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