January 3rd, 2011 in Cheesecake, Chicks with Guitars by lpcoverlover | 3 Comments
The Big Hit Parade Royal Pops Orchestra (Toshiba Records, Japan)
How about playin’ something in the key of “G”?
“Fun, Eun, Fun”? Will the woman of this version have “eun” ’til her caddy takes the S-Bird away?
That’s actually a pretty nice color on her. Yeah, I watched Scooby Doo a lot as a kid… Oh and is it just me or does the Jazzmaster guitar look out of place, At least with the guitar body?
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January 3rd, 2011 at 8:48 am
How about playin’ something in the key of “G”?
January 3rd, 2011 at 11:38 am
“Fun, Eun, Fun”? Will the woman of this version have “eun” ’til her caddy takes the S-Bird away?
May 3rd, 2011 at 6:14 pm
That’s actually a pretty nice color on her. Yeah, I watched Scooby Doo a lot as a kid… Oh and is it just me or does the Jazzmaster guitar look out of place, At least with the guitar body?