December 29th, 2020 in
Animals, Illustration by
lpcoverlover |

Crazy Polish record with great, Seussian cartoon illustrations. Have no idea what’s going on here, but I imagine some ancient East European children’s story, fable, fairytale? On the MUZA records label from Poland. (1971). Maybe some out there can help?

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December 29th, 2020 at 7:25 pm
“Matołek the Billy-Goat” there is a wiki page for this character, I hope I can paste the link correctly with the diacritical marks embedded:
December 30th, 2020 at 7:08 am
From what I have gleaned from the Wikipedia article and some google translating, this show ran from 1969-1971 and from what I’ve seen of the cartoons, like the Professor Balthazar series, it was driven by sight gags and made for an international audience, which PB got, but Matolek didn’t, at least in the USA. They aren’t the best in animation quality, but the inventiveness of the jokes is rather good.
As for the records you found, they may or may not have been audio retellings of extant cartoons. This type of pre-VHS, DVD artifact was done in the USA as well. I had a record called “TV Terrytoons Cartoon Time” which summarizes two cartoons and had four new stories for the record.
One link is a cartoon, the other is the Terrytoon record, oddly enough featuring Roy Halee, Simon and Garfunkel and Paul Simon’s producer.
March 13th, 2023 at 4:17 am