September 15th, 2008 in Incredibly Strange, Soundtracks by lpcoverlover | 1 Comment
Gore Gabor A Hungarian Soundtrack.
Göre Gábor is a figure in some humorous books written by 19th century author, Gárdonyi Géza (known for his historical novels in Hungary). Göre Gábor is an old fashioned country judge talking in a funny Hungarian country accent. Once he travels to the capitol, the big city of Budapest and he writes a lot of funny things about his experiences in his letters sent home. It must be some kind of an audio book or radio show, the date might be before 1960. The title says: “Mr. Göre Gábor in his own hande, and his attached respecktful family, damne it!”
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January 3rd, 2010 at 3:15 am
Göre Gábor is a figure in some humorous books written by 19th century author, Gárdonyi Géza (known for his historical novels in Hungary). Göre Gábor is an old fashioned country judge talking in a funny Hungarian country accent. Once he travels to the capitol, the big city of Budapest and he writes a lot of funny things about his experiences in his letters sent home.
It must be some kind of an audio book or radio show, the date might be before 1960.
The title says: “Mr. Göre Gábor in his own hande, and his attached respecktful family, damne it!”