April 25th, 2008 in Advertising, Records and Players by lpcoverlover | 3 Comments
(Dr. Pepper comes in a bottle but …) Squirt Does Its ThingĀ “Semi-Soft Music in Tijuana Style.”
Calling someone a ‘squirt’ is surely negative !!!?
Is Squirt’s thing semi-soft because he has just done his Tijuana-stlye squirting with it? Is this why she’s looking up and and smirking?
“Squirt” was the name of a 1970’s carbinated soft drink, which is in her hand. Side “B” has a song attributed to the combination of Squirt and Tequila. It is compilation of popular songs, promoted by Squirt. Dummies…
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April 29th, 2008 at 11:37 am
Calling someone a ‘squirt’ is surely negative !!!?
April 29th, 2008 at 1:39 pm
Is Squirt’s thing semi-soft because he has just done his Tijuana-stlye squirting with it? Is this why she’s looking up and and smirking?
December 27th, 2011 at 7:41 pm
“Squirt” was the name of a 1970’s carbinated soft drink, which is in her hand. Side “B” has a song attributed to the combination of Squirt and
Tequila. It is compilation of popular songs, promoted by Squirt. Dummies…