December 5th, 2006 in
Advertising, Food by
lpcoverlover |

There were lots of “Music to” lps made and lots of advertisers used lps for marketing and promotion. This is a tastee one from Taystee bread that was made for their sales force. Inspiration to make more bread selling bread. As if selling a fresh marble rye or seven-grain wasn’t incentive enough.

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May 10th, 2007 at 8:00 am
Has anyone ever done MUSIC TO LISTEN TO MUSIC BY
June 19th, 2010 at 7:43 pm
MUSIC TO SELL BREAD BY – This was wonderful music, written by William Stearns Walker with several members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and lyrics sung by The J’s with Jamie. Recorded in the early 1960’s. Actually they made TWO VERSIONS – One for Tastee Bread, the other for COOKBOOK BREAD.
I would love to get a copy of either one.
I lost mine in a move 10 years ago.
June 23rd, 2010 at 12:14 pm
Here are the lyrics of one:
Sung by Jamie Silvia of The J’s With Jamie
“I’m a wife, who knows what she wants,
And also knows how to get it.
Lead your husband to the table,
Where his tummy rules his head,
Put you best food forward,
Back it up with Tastee Bread.
Forget about psychology,
Forget the books you’ve read,
Put you best food forward,
Back it up with Tastee Bread,
That bread has got a message,
In every flavorful bite, for,
It’s baked while you sleep, my friends,
So handle this advice, for-
Get about psychology,
Forget the books you’ve read,
Put you best food forward,
Back it up with Tastee bread.
Other tunes on the album:
1. 22 Slices of Bread
2. Breakfast Back To Life
3. No Bread Blues
Side 2
1. Whatever You Put In The Middle
2. Breakfast In Bed
3. Best Food Forward
4. 22 Slices (instrumental