April 26th, 2019 in 45 Picture Sleeves, Bachelor Pad and Lounge, Hands by lpcoverlover | 4 Comments
Peter Alexander Polydor Records (Germany)
I posted a Peter Alexander album that uses another shot from this photoshoot on my vinyl blog a while back. Here it is: https://ripplinslps.blogspot.com/2016/01/talk-to-hands.html
Sorry girls. Peter prefers große wurst. About yay große.
Palm someday.
Evidently a big fan of Les Freres Jacques
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April 26th, 2019 at 8:09 pm
I posted a Peter Alexander album that uses another shot from this photoshoot on my vinyl blog a while back. Here it is: https://ripplinslps.blogspot.com/2016/01/talk-to-hands.html
April 27th, 2019 at 12:53 pm
Sorry girls. Peter prefers große wurst. About yay große.
April 29th, 2019 at 6:33 am
Palm someday.
May 19th, 2019 at 5:47 pm
Evidently a big fan of Les Freres Jacques