December, 2006
December 22nd, 2006 in
Jazz, Photography by
lpcoverlover |
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A French Barclay release of early Prestige sessions. Thelonious Monk the composer and pianist is one of the archetects of modern jazz. See the Clint Eastwood produced documentary “Straight, No Chaser” for a moving portrait of the artist and reclusive genious later in his career.

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December 22nd, 2006 in
Advertising, DIY, Educational, Records and Players by
lpcoverlover |
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“You too can vibrate with manhood!” promises this album of high-fidelty recordings on “How to be a Potent Male.” You’ll “Renew your youth powers,” “Learn about the techniques of love” and “Develop your magnetic vitality” Total Price Only $5 and you don’t need to buy those expensive pills.

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December 21st, 2006 in
Golden Throats, Incredibly Strange, Starlets and Pin-ups by
lpcoverlover |
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An “incredibly strange” record and example of the celebrity “Golden Throats” series that has washed up stars taking on the hits of the day to usually disasterous or “so bad, it’s good” effect. This one is on Tower records, which put out some cool sixties rock and roll and some biker and surf soundtracks and the group isn’t bad musically. “Day Tripper” is a classic.

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December 21st, 2006 in
Bachelor Pad and Lounge, Starlets and Pin-ups by
lpcoverlover |

Before she was LAURA PETRIE, the happy homemaker on the Dick Van Dyke Show, Mary Tyler Moore modeled and was annonomously featured on (to date I count 13) low budget lp covers. She was so easy on the eyes that she seemed right at home on the covers of Latin music, Italian music and British music records for example.

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December 21st, 2006 in
Incredibly Strange, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |

Have I said too much!? (Another nice one from Bizarre Records)

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December 20th, 2006 in
10", Illustration, Outer Space and Rockets, Robots, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |
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Here’s a rare 10″ lp from France with early music from Jean-Jacque Perry and an awesome outer space illustration on the cover.

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December 20th, 2006 in
Bachelor Pad and Lounge, Hall of Fame, Incredibly Strange, Music for... by
lpcoverlover |

“Music for Trapping (Tender, that is)” A prime example of a “bachelor pad” record from the late fifties. Elliot Lawrence provides the cool, jazzy background music for guys on the make (like this cad looking for one more trophy to mount). Top Rank records.

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December 20th, 2006 in
Jazz by
lpcoverlover |
1 Comment

What a cool, hip, stylish, beautiful, clean, elegant design on Contemporary Records. Jazz cover art during this period (1955 – 1965) on Blue Note, Prestige, Riverside, Contemporary, Verve and Impulse, for example, set the standard for commercial packaging and art direction and perfectly capture the sophistication and artistry of the music contained within.

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December 20th, 2006 in
Bachelor Pad and Lounge, Hall of Fame, Incredibly Strange, Outer Space and Rockets by
lpcoverlover |

A masterpiece of the space age bachelor pad genre. Les Baxter is synonomous with exotica and his records from the late fifties and early sixties define a style with adventurous, exotic and “way out” sounds. This is a cool cover from a time when the space program was launching and B movies were king.

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December 19th, 2006 in
10", Animals, Illustration, Kiddies, Wanted Records by
lpcoverlover |
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This is a sweet kid’s record from Japan. Half a world away in the U.S. King Records was putting out lps by James Brown and Little Willie John.

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