You are currently browsing the archive for the Kiddies category.
November 19th, 2009 in
Illustration, Kiddies, Records and Players by
lpcoverlover |
1 Comment

El Festival de los Ninos Calesita Records This one’s for you Fred at Frederator Studios if you’re listening!

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November 15th, 2009 in
For Heaven's Sake, Kiddies, Puppets, Dolls, Stuffed Animals by
lpcoverlover |

“Happy Am I” Songs by Little Marcy Word Records ($2.98 only) Crazy Christian ventriloqist doll with sales in the millions!

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September 30th, 2009 in
Educational, Kiddies by
lpcoverlover |

‘Homemade Band” by Hap Palmer Teaching generations of toddlers how to keep rhythm. (Courtesy of Way Back Now! Let’s Go)

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September 11th, 2009 in
Kiddies, Puppets, Dolls, Stuffed Animals by
lpcoverlover |

The Wishniks Nursery Rhymes and Songs Little World of Records This is the band’s original lineup (before the drummer”s tragic candy cane choking death). This album is still considered to be their most accessible work.

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September 8th, 2009 in
Kiddies, Puppets, Dolls, Stuffed Animals, TV by
lpcoverlover |

Captain Kangaroo’s Songs and Dances Bob Keeshan with Orchestra and Chorus Columbia Records Everyone I hung out with in kindergarden watched the Captain and Mr. Green Jeans and the puppets. Of course there were only three channels.

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September 4th, 2009 in
Cartoons, Kiddies, Records and Players by
lpcoverlover |

Walt Disney’s “Historias Infantis Musicadas” with “Pinocchio” and “Os 3 Porquinhos” On Continental Records Brazil

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August 29th, 2009 in
Brazilian, Contest, Hands, Kiddies by
lpcoverlover |

ExSqueeze me?!? Our Send in the Caption Contest Winner is….drumroll please….is Calzone! (Calzone! also contributed a runner-up caption – “Baby’s First Broken Sternum LPâ€) There are some sick, but very funny, (or funny, but very sick), people out there. Good to know. Thanks to everyone who played along.

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August 29th, 2009 in
How to, Kiddies, Puppets, Dolls, Stuffed Animals by
lpcoverlover |

“Let’s Make Music” A Child’s Introduction to Rhythm and Melody with Ann Callender and Margaret Harmsworth Wonderland Records

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August 25th, 2009 in
Kiddies, Records and Players, School Daze, Spoken Wrod by
lpcoverlover |

“Class, who can identify the verb in this sentence – I need a fuckin’ drink now,”
Elementary Grammer with Music: “The Parts of Speech” “Sing and Learn with Rebecca Warden” (Nice last name for a teacher.)

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August 25th, 2009 in
Kiddies by
lpcoverlover |

“Best Loved Bedtime Stories” Magic Key Records

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