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I dream of Gigi


“Music For That Wild Party”   Esquire Records (UK release of “Art Farmer Quintet” Prestige 7017) Art Farmer (t) Gigi Gryce (as) Duke Jordan (p) Addison Farmer (b) Philly Joe Jones (d) recorded Rudy Van Gelder Studio, Hackensack, NJ, October 21, 1955   Cover art by Disley.

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Valley girl


Joe Henderson  “Canyon Lady” Milestone Records (1975)

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Jazz hand


Junior Mance Touch  Polydor Records (1973)  Album design by Jack Lonshein  Photograhpy by Ron Meyers  Includes covers of Al Green, Johnny Nash and George Harrison.

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A pool of talent

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The Dave Brubeck Quartet: Paul Desmond (alto saxophone) Dave Brubeck (piano) Ron Crotty (bass) Lloyd Davis (drums)   “The Trolley Song”  Fantasy Records (on Red Vinyl)  (1955)    What a fun, funny cover from photographer Bill Claxton.   I’m a big Paul Desmond fan.   (Not sure I need to see him shirtless though).  Read the liner notes  and listen here to the rehearsal takes of title track:

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Invitation to the Blues


A early David Stone Martin cover (a 1950 reissue of the 1946 original 78 RPM set on DISC Records from 1946).  Norman Granz’ Jazz at the Philharmonic  Volume #4  Mercury Records  From a 1944 concert featuring  Jack McVea, Illinois Jacquet (tenor saxes), J. J. Johnson (trombone), “Shorty” Nadine [Nat King Cole] (piano), Johnny Miller (bass), Les Paul (guitar), Lee Young (drums)

“Blues”, a simply titled three-part jump blues running for over ten minutes, was the highlight of the first “Jazz at the Philharmonic” concert, at Los Angeles’ Philharmonic Auditorium on Sunday afternoon, July 2, 1944, because of Illinois Jacquet’s honking and screaming tenor sax solo on Part 2 and the humorous piano and guitar chase sequence by Nat King Cole (billed “Nadine” Shorty on the record label for obvious contract reasons with Capitol Records) and Les Paul on Part 3.  In addition, it has fine solos by R&B tenor saxist Jack McVea nd a young J.J. Johnson on trombone on Part 1, all driven by an irrestible rhythm section, consisting of Johnny Miller, then bassist of the King Cole Trio, and Lee Young, Lester Young’s drumming brother, besides Nat Cole and Les Paul.

“Lester Leaps In”, although not the definitive JATP version of the tune (Lester Young is missing), is played with a similar attitude, showcasing some excellent solos (another tenor sax outburst of Jacquet among them) in front of the driving rhythm for over nine minutes.   Via.

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An uphill battle

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Art Pepper Returns  A cool cover to an Art Pepper EP on Sonet Records (UK).   Art Pepper’s autobiography “Straight Life” is a great read about the West Coast jazz scene and the alto legend’s addiction to heroin, prison stints and memorable comebacks.   I believe this cover photo is by Bill Claxton.

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Ain’t I’m a dog!

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“Prairie Dog”  Duke Pearson with an octet featuing drummer Mickey Roker; Harold Vick on soprano; James Spaulding on flute and alto; bassist Bob Cranshaw; trumpeter Johnny Coles; tenor George Coleman; guitarist Gene Bertoncini; and Pearson on piano and celeste. Atlantic Records  (1966)    This is as fine as any date Pearson released for Atlantic, and grooves all the way through.

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Happy to be nappy

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Plas Johnson  “Dance Party in Harlem”  London Records (France)

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Bass jumper


George Riedel Quintet  Metronome Records (Denmark)  (1955)  “Jumper”

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Happy, ah, um, birthday Mingus


Jimmy Knepper or  Willie Dennis (tb) John Handy (as, cl) Booker Ervin (ts) Curtis Porter (ts, as) Horace Parlan (p) Charles Mingus (b) Dannie Richmond (d) recorded NYC, May 5 & 12 1959   UK first pressing (1959) on Philips black labels of Columbia CS 8171

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