April 4th, 2009 in
Preachin', Real People with Real Problems by
lpcoverlover |
“Good News” “If there is no GOD …how did it happen” YOU DECIDE. A crusade sermon by Evangelist T. L. Osborn direct from the miraculous meetings of Trinidad”
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April 4th, 2009 at 6:26 pm
very artsy, i loved it
April 7th, 2009 at 10:55 pm
“If there is no GOD …how did it happen?â€
…how did what happen?
June 21st, 2009 at 2:23 pm
Evangelist T. L. Osborn begs the question shortly after his win at the Trinidad Dance-O-lypics. Osborn (seen here with his awards) took home top honors in two major events: the 500 yard limbo followed and the grueling Congathalon in which he led a 28 person conga line down treacherous streets in the heart of the gangland regions of Trinidad. Good news indeed.