Space crusaders
In Orbit with the Sunshine Choral Aires. Crusade Records. Another in that strange genre of Christians born again in outer space. Taking the gospel to the galaxy.
In Orbit with the Sunshine Choral Aires. Crusade Records. Another in that strange genre of Christians born again in outer space. Taking the gospel to the galaxy.
April 16th, 2008 at 6:55 am
Christian scientologists ?
August 18th, 2010 at 12:55 pm
No. Not Christian scientologists. They were a Pentecostal choir out of Phoenix, AZ. They had the most unforgettable song on this record. I believe the name of the song was: I’ve got my feet on the rock and my name on the roll. It started with this weird guitar sound that as a child I thought sounded rather “alienish.” It was quite cool for the old days. Wish I could hear it again.